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Category Archives: News

NEW. A compact and affordable solution to Yield Y(II) measurements.

This compact and light-weight modulated fluorometer follows proven and established scientific principles to provide accurate measurements of the quantum yield of PS(II).
This tiny, hand-held meter also measures absorptance to provide the most accurate ETR values possible.

The Y(II) meter follows the advanced protocols determined by Loriaux (2006) to determine the maximum theoretical level of Fm’ with an infinitely intense saturating pulse.
Thousands of datasets can be stored in the 2Gb of on-board memory and a high speed USB is provided to download readings to a computer.

Yield meter

Contact us for more details.

Cost effective multi-channel CO2/H2O analysis


ADC has just launched its latest, automatic, multi-channel CO2 and H2O analysis system.

Up to 24 samples can be sequentially analysed with the EGA60. Each channel can be configured with its own flow rate and sampling time, prior to analysis.

Flow is maintained to all channels, at all times, so the samples are maintained in a constant atmosphere. Channel number, flow rate, CO2/H2O concentrations and analogue input values are all stored on the integral SD memory card for later analysis.


For full details click here

New LED light unit for LCi-SD

The PLU5 is a lightweight and compact white LED light source for use with the LCi ultra compact photosynthesis system.
The light unit can provide up to 2,000umol of cool, white light at the leaf plane. A separate control unit allows researchers to maintain or adjust the light level to the required intensity.
The light system is powered from the LCi console and so no extra power source or battery is required.
The use of low power LEDs means that the spectral quality of the light is maintained over the whole intensity range.
The PLU5 is suitable for all LCi chambers built since July 2001
For full details click here

New iFL Integrated Fluorometer

ADC launch the world’s most advanced, truly portable, combined gas exchange/chlorophyll fluorescence system.

Now, for the first time, researchers are able to make simultaneous measurements of photosynthesis, transpiration, intercellular CO2, stomatal conductance, mesophyll conductance and CO2 at the site of carboxylation.

The iFL offers levels of automation never seen before. Experiments such as Laisk protocols, may be performed automatically without user intervention. Simply set up your experiment, touch the screen and leave the iFL to do the rest.

CCM300 chlorophyll content meter

iFL Integrated fluorometer

All experimentation is configured from the large, colour, touch screen display and data may be recalculated with powerful, on-board, post processing software.
For full details click here


New OS5p+ advanced chlorophyll fluorometer

ADC is pleased to introduce a new, advanced fluorometer with enhanced specifications, in a more compact and lightweight format.

The OS5p+ is the world’s most advanced chlorophyll fluorometer with PAM detection technology.

The small, portable fluorometer has a colour touch screen display, SD card storage, USB port and long-life Ni-Mh batteries.

Protocols performed include:

  • Fv/Fm and Fv/Fo
  • Yield(II)
  • OJIP
  • Rapid light curves
  • Quenching protocols include:
  1. Hendrickson lake model protocol with NPQ
  2. Kramer lake model protocol
  3. Puddle model protocol
  4. Quenching relaxation protocol

For further details click here OS5p+

New CCM300 Chlorophyll Content Meter

ADC launches a new measurement technique for the non destructive measurement of chlorophyll content in small, difficult to measure samples.

For the first time, the CCM300 will enable ADC customers to quickly and easily measure the chlorophyll content of fruit skins, conifer needles, cactus, lichens and bryophytes, immature rice, turf grass, in situ algae and some aquatic plants.

CCM300 chlorophyll content meter

CCM300 chlorophyll content meter

For further details, see our plant science product page.

To view  a video brochure click here

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